NCCAOM 2020 Diplomate Satisfaction Survey Results


The NCCAOM has conducted the Diplomate Satisfaction Survey on a regular basis since 2005. The primary purpose of this survey is to obtain valuable feedback from our NCCAOM Board-Certified AcupuncturistsTM regarding their satisfaction with our services as well as providing us with comments and suggestions that will help the NCCAOM to offer more benefits to our Diplomates going forward. As a result of the feedback that we received from the previous satisfaction surveys, the NCCAOM created the following new services:

  • Certificate of Completion Distribution system for PDA providers.
  • CE Banking functionality where PDA points for NCCAOM approved courses are automatically reported to the Diplomate’s Recertification Transcript.
  • “My Learning” section that houses Diplomate’s certificates of completion for PDA approved courses completed since January 2021.
  • Digital Badging, a digital credential, created to be used by NCCAOM certified Diplomates to promote their NCCAOM certification. Diplomates can access their Digital Badges by logging in to their NCCAOM certification account and click on “Diplomate Benefits” orange button at the top of the profile window.

The 2021 Diplomate Satisfaction Survey was conducted from July 1 to September 1, 2021. The survey was sent to all active Diplomates with an email address on file (approximately 20,300 Diplomates). A total of 2,632 Diplomates responded to and completed the survey. The NCCAOM would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the 2021 Diplomate Satisfaction Survey. The results of this survey will serve as a new benchmark as NCCAOM continues to strive for increased customer satisfaction. In addition, Diplomates who provided their contact information, received a response from the NCCAOM staff regarding their survey comment.


When combining all survey responses, there is a 72% overall satisfaction with NCCAOM rating in the top two categories (“Very Satisfied” and “Satisfied”).

We attribute this good news as a result of the staff’s commitment to continuously improve our customer service and to NCCAOM’s management who always strive toward an even higher goal of excellence in customer satisfaction.

Graph 1: Overall Experience with the NCCAOM

Graph 001 Diplomate Satisfaction Survey

Graph 2 below shows the Diplomates’ perceptions on the Importance of Improvements to the Recertification Process currently offered.

Graph 2: Qualitative and Quantitative Data of NCCAOM Recertification Process

Graph 002 Diplomate Satisfaction Survey

As a result of your direct feedback, the NCCAOM worked on the following action items:

  • Additional instructional materials about recertification have been posted to the Diplomate Resources section and Certification Renewal section of the NCCAOM website.
  • A link to instructional materials for CE reporting has been posted to the CE Reporting section of each Diplomates’ Profile.
  • Articles are being published regularly in the “Diplomate News You Can Use” newsletter. For details, visit our newsletter archives.
  • The NCCAOM® Recertification Handbook is being updated to better portray the recertification process in a more clear and concise manner.
  • NCCAOM offered a Diplomate webinar with specific instructions on the new recertification process as well as updates on NCCAOM policies and procedures.

The NCCAOM staff is also working tirelessly to perfect the online recertification process for its NCCAOM Board-Certified Acupuncturists. By working closely with PDA Providers effective May 2020, the NCCAOM transitioned to an automatic CE reporting for PDA approved courses. That means that PDA points for NCCAOM approved courses taken from May of 2020 going forward are posted to the Diplomate’s Recertification Transcript and automatically approved.
Every Diplomate Satisfaction Survey features a distinct question to help us better customize our services and products to further benefit the Diplomate population. This year, Question 5 focused on which continued services are most valuable to our Diplomates. Based on the quantitative data shown in Graph 3, the survey results revealed that the NCCAOM – ASA Townhall Meetings garnered the most interest amongst respondents:

  • NCCAOM – ASA Townhall Meetings (60%)
  • NCCAOM – ASA Federal Advocacy Efforts (54%)
  • State Regulatory Resources (52%)

Graph 3: Qualitative and Quantitative Data of Diplomate Services

Graph 003 Diplomate Satisfaction Survey

Based on the results the NCCAOM has created a collaborative partnership with the American Society of Acupuncturists (ASA) and continues investing in Advocacy and Government Relations experts to help us with this partnership and goals. Our primary goal is to advance the value of NCCAOM National Board-Certified Acupuncturists™ at the national level. This requires engagement with federal agencies and Congress on legislation impacting acupuncturists, grassroots efforts to build awareness of acupuncture and to raise the profile of acupuncture, our Diplomates, and the value of NCCAOM Board Certification. Visit the NCCAOM Federal Recognition Timeline on our website.

Overview of Survey Results

  • A 72% overall satisfaction with the NCCAOM in the top two categories (“very satisfied” and “satisfied”).
  • There was a 10% increase in the number of Diplomates that were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” in 2021 as compared to 2019.
  • A decrease of 4% in the “somewhat satisfied” and “not satisfied” categories as compared to the 2019 survey.
  • 25% of the qualitative responses are in these four categories:
    • Concerns regarding Advocacy at Federal Level
    • Concerns regarding scope encroachment
    • Concerns about the value of certification
    • Need for more “membership services” for the “dues”

Based on the Overview of Survey Results, the NCCAOM will continue to educate our Diplomates about the difference between a Membership organization and the services they provide in comparison to a Certification organization and our work to bring value to our Diplomates’ credential.

The NCCAOM strives for excellence in customer satisfaction. To accomplish this, we will continue to guide our Diplomates through the recertification process by providing accurate information to and offering unique and meaningful services.