Established in 1982, NCCAOM is the only national organization that validates entry-level competency in the practice of acupuncture and herbal medicine (AHM) through professional certification. NCCAOM certification, or a passing score on the NCCAOM certification examinations, documents competency for licensure as an acupuncturist by 46 states plus the District of Columbia, representing 98 percent of the states that regulate acupuncture. NCCAOM handles certification and re-certification, NCCAOM exam development and continuing with our core values.
All NCCAOM certification programs are currently accredited by the National Commission for Certification Agencies (NCCA).
Our Mission
To assure the safety and well-being of the public and to advance and advocate for the professional practice of NCCAOM Board-Certified AcupuncturistsTM by promoting established national standards focused on competence and credentialing.
Our Vision
NCCAOM Board-Certified AcupuncturistsTM will be globally recognized and integral to person-centered healthcare and accessible to all members of the public. NCCAOM Board Certification will be nationally recognized by all employers and government entities as the standard for acupuncturists.
Core Values
Through its commitment to lifelong learning and the highest quality of credentialing standards for public safety, the NCCAOM upholds the values of integrity, community, service, inclusiveness, advocacy, and accountability in all of its interactions and relationships.
NCCAOM Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Statement
The NCCAOM actively promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion. We strive to embed these principles in all we do, creating an environment where all can thrive.
We believe that…
Diversity is the representation of many different demographic backgrounds, identities (both innate and selected), and the collective strengths of their experiences, beliefs, values, skills, and perspectives.
An Equitable environment recognizes and eliminates barriers to full participation at individual and systemic levels, challenges intentional and unintentional forms of bias, harassment, and discrimination.
Inclusion is the act of establishing philosophies, policies, practices, and procedures so that organizations and individuals contributing to the Commission’s success have fair, equal, and unbiased access to opportunities, information, and resources.
Click here to access the official NCCAOM DEI Statement.