New NCCAOM Website

NCCAOM recently unveiled a new website to go hand-in-hand with the new NCCAOM brand. With this update to the website came the opportunity to make improvements. Our top improvement priority is making sure you know about the work NCCAOM is doing for you. Another priority is to help you find the resources and information that NCCAOM provides. Great strides have been made to do both. Features such as the Press Center and Advocacy Center have been redesigned with you in mind. You can also find the new NCCAOM Logos, Credentials and Diplomate Service Marks which are in line with the new NCCAOM brand. The Recertification Hub has been updated as well. Take a moment to explore some of these pages. You might just find exactly what you’re looking for.
Much thought and consideration for the NCCAOM constituency was put into the new website design. Providing users with the simplest path to their desired information is of the highest priority. An example of this concise and intuitive layout is the NCCAOM Advocacy Center. As you will see, easy to navigate buttons and quick links make it easy to see the fruits of NCCAOM’s labor on your behalf. Information such as State Relations, National Advocacy updates and the Opioid Crisis Timeline are more accessible than ever. Note the Acupuncture Pain Management Research section. To make this section available to you, the NCCAOM consulted with subject matter experts and researchers to identify the most common pain conditions in the US, and collect several studies supporting the effectiveness of acupuncture for each of those conditions. Other features like the Press Center have been updated to make resources such as the Efficacy of Acupuncture Informational Archive simpler to find. Enabling readers with easy access to articles and studies about the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture. The result is a more user-friendly experience and a better-informed constituency and public.
Part of establishing a more user-friendly experience is providing a pleasant presentation. When using the NCCAOM website you will notice sharp and striking imagery. Not only is the presentation more visually appealing it is also better organized. This clean and crisp layout makes it easy to find your desired information. The NCCAOM Diplomate Benefits section is the best example of the new imagery. New logos help clearly identify the benefits offered such as Volunteering for an NCCAOM Committees and Taskforces. We didn’t stop at new logos. You can also find the new NCCAOM Diplomate Service Marks on the Benefits page. Make sure you go to our website and request your new service marks today!
With all these great advances and benefits for NCCAOM Diplomates there are many seeking NCCAOM National Board Certification. That is why the NCCAOM website features a new Recertification Hub with updated information, processes and instructions. The new Recertification Hub features a simple step-by-step of the recertification processes. We want to provide all our Diplomates, present and future, the tools they need to become an NCCAOM National Board-Certified Acupuncturist™.
These improvements to the website are reflective of NCCAOM’s efforts respond to our Diplomates and the acupuncture community. NCCAOM implemented these changes to our website to empower our Diplomate constituents, promote their interests and brand NCCAOM National Board-Certified Acupuncturists™ and national evidence-based practice standards. Explore the new NCCAOM website and see the difference for yourself.