
Press Release Florida Acupuncture Education Day 2016

Thursday, February 4th, 2016

 Starting with a Bus Ride From Miami Acupuncturists & Students Gather From Around The State to Hold Acupuncture Education Day 2016 at State Capitol

For Release: February 4, 2016                                            Contact: Ellen Teeter (800) 578-4865

Bradenton, FL , 2/09/2016 – There has been a continued growth of both the utilization of acupuncture for treatment of ailments and for preventative care, according to the most recent National Health Interview Survey. Florida has the fourth largest population of nationally board certified acupuncturists in the country and on February 9th, Florida state leaders will have a chance to find out more about this increasingly popular medicine through Acupuncture Education Day, an event held yearly in the Capitol Rotunda to educate lawmakers and their staff about the training, scope of practice and cost saving benefits of using licensed acupuncturists for health care in the State of Florida.

The event will start on Monday February 8th when a chartered bus leaves from the Acupuncture and Massage College in Kendall Florida. Traveling up the state it will pick up acupuncturists and students from other schools arriving in Tallahassee in the evening. Students from 5 of the 6 acupuncture schools are involved and APs from Tallahassee to Jacksonville down to the Florida Keys.

Over 65 acupuncturists and students from around the State will be in attendance to visit their legislator’s office, share information and offer the public free acupressure treatments that relive pain and various stress symptoms. According to Florida Statute Chapter 456 “Acupuncture” means a form of primary health care”

Our Corporate sponsors are:

AcuMarket KPC Qualiherb
Blue Poppy Lhasa/OMS Schlitt AAC
Crane Herb MegaSpore Standard Process
Golden Flower NCG Medical Acupuncture Media Works
Golden Needle ProD Seminars

Associations participating in the event are

  • Florida State Oriental Medical Association –
  • Florida Acupuncture Association –
  • Florida Society for Doctors of Oriental Medicine –
  • National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine –

For more information on Florida State Oriental Medical Association go to