Diplomate Benefit

healthcare-guideCredentialing Licensed Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Professionals for Practice in Healthcare Organizations An Overview and Guidance for Hospital Administrators, Acupuncturists and Educators. A Project of the Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health (ACIH) With Strategic Sponsorship from the NCCAOM®


healthcare-guideCredentialing of Acupuncturists
for Hospital-Based Practice:
A Resource Guide for NCCAOM Diplomates

This is a new Academy member benefit.  Free Download is available to Academy members. All other interested parties can purchase this resource Guide for a small fee.


Meridians: The Journal of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
New Academy member benefit is a free online subscription to Meridians: The Journal of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. A discounted subscription rate for print copies is available to Academy members at www.meridiansjaom.com.

Create your own FREE website with ChiOnline
The internet is the fastest and cheapest way to attract more patients to your practice. ChiOnline simply offers the best Website. Basic plan is FREE. You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel anytime you feel like it. No contracts. No setup fees. And we’re here to help you whenever you need it.

Standard Occupational Code for “Acupuncturist”
Acadcemy is working to obtain a Standard Occupational Code for “Acupuncturist” under the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Standards of Occupational Classification (SOC) system, which will facilitate greater federal recognition for AOM practitioners

“Non-discrimination” Clause 2706
Academy is helping to assure third party reimbursement for acupuncturist-provided acupuncture, by working with other integrative healthcare professions to implement the “non-discrimination” clause 2706 of the Affordable Care Act

Synergy Program: Call a Doctor Plus Services
Subscribe to Call a Doctor Plus Services
, a health and wellness program for you and your family, and receive a 40% discount as an NCCAOM Diplomate.

Synergy Program: HealthProfs Acupuncture Directory
Claim a free six (6) month listing in HealthProfs Acupuncture Directory with your first time registration. A $180 Value! Active Diplomates may contact the NCCAOM by emailing [email protected] for details.