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This week’s program:

Covid-19 Clinical Trials in China with Dr. Jianwen Guo
Head and Chief Physician of the Cerebrovascular and Cardiovascular Pathology
Division of the Brain Pathology Centre of Guangdong Provincial ​
Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine 2nd Affiliated Hospital)​
HerbCareUS: Public Herbal Donations during Covid-19 with, Hong Su, L.Ac., Dipl. OM (NCCAOM)®
Certified Herbalist​
President of American TCM Society,​
Chair of Volunteer Coordinating Committee
Filling the Gap: A Call to Action for Acupuncturists with Dr. Tamsin Lee, DAOM, L.Ac, AEMP​​​,
Principle Investigator University of Washington​
Voluntary survey from the University of Washington: redcap.link/acute2020​​

Looking forward to seeing you!

To watch the Webinar please click here.

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