Mississippi Oriental Medicine Association
Dear Members and Friends!
The Mississippi Council of Advisors in Acupuncture have been granted a 15 minute presentation of our profession, training and certification for the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure. Our aim is to help educate the Medical Board on why licensed acupuncturists are fully capable of being independent health care providers in Mississippi. This will hopefully help get them closer to our viewpoint by the time Legislative Session starts in January.
PLEASE PLAN TO SUPPORT YOUR PROFESSION AND ATTEND THIS MONUMENTAL MEETING. We need our collective voice to be heard. Mina Larson, Deputy Director and State Liaison with the NCCAOM, is planning to attend and aid us in this presentation. Please help come help us! The meeting is on NOVEMBER 13, 2014 at 9:00am.
Our state association, MOMA, will host our Annual Acupuncture Day at the Capitol on Tuesday, February 3, 2015. I am in the process of getting permission to do demonstrations this year. Please plan to come help showcase our profession.
Lastly, please donate to MOMA if you can!
President: Jerusha De Groote Stephens, MSOM, Lac
Tel.: (601) 850-0970
[email protected]