The terms and conditions for use of the Official NCCAOM Practice Tests™ are governed by this disclaimer. By using the Official NCCAOM Practice Tests™, you acknowledge that you have read the following Official NCCAOM Practice Tests™ Disclaimer and that you accept and will be bound by the terms herein. Read this disclaimer before purchasing any Official NCCAOM Practice Tests™!
To purchase Practice Tests, please read Disclaimer below and click “I agree” at the bottom of the page.

- Purpose: NCCAOM created the Official NCCAOM Practice TestTM to assist candidates in preparing for the NCCAOM Certification Examinations, and not as medical, legal, or operational advice. Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall NCCAOM, its offices, agents, or anyone else involved in creating, producing, or distributing the content of this site, be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages that may result from the use of this site. NCCAOM will also not be held liable for omissions, interruptions, or loss of files or data, errors, defects, delays in operation, or the failure, theft, destruction, or unauthorized access to the Official NCCAOM Practice TestsTM.
- Indemnification and Test Accuracy: Users of the Official NCCAOM Practice TestsTM agree to waive any claim they may have against NCCAOM for reliance on any information presented in the practice tests. In addition, users of the Official NCCAOM Practice TestsTM also waive any claim they have against NCCAOM for injury or other damage which may result in any way from use of the practice tests.
- Relationship to the NCCAOM Certification Exams: Achieving a high score on a practice test
does not guarantee a passing score on the corresponding NCCAOM Certification Examination. Purchasing or taking the Official NCCAOM Practice TestsTM is optional and has no effect on the candidate’s performance on the certification exam and does not predict performance. The questions on the Official NCCAOM Practice TestsTM are designed to familiarize candidates with information and concepts that are likely to be tested on NCCAOM Certification Examinations, but no practice test questions appeared or will appear on the certification exams. The NCCAOM is not responsible if candidates are unhappy with their practice test results. - Copyright Infringement: All text, graphics, audio, design, software, and other works on this site are the copyrighted works of the NCCAOM. All rights reserved. Any distribution or reproduction of anything on this website or the Official NCCAOM Practice TestsTM is strictly prohibited.
User Information:
- Practice Test Results: Test results consist of a percentage correct for each Domain on the content outline and an overall percentage correct for the entire test. However, candidates will not be provided with the answers to questions and will not see which questions were answered incorrectly. The practice tests are designed to help candidates determine in which areas they may need additional study before taking the certification exam(s).
- No Refunds: NCCAOM is not responsible and will not issue refunds should the test be interrupted or terminated due to natural disasters (e.g., earthquake, flood, lightning strike), test-taker computer equipment failure (e.g., inadequate internet connection, power outage), or leaving the test before it is completed in its entirety. If candidates receive an error message while taking the practice tests, please make note of the error and NCCAOM will review it to determine how the error occurred. Practice test purchases are non-refundable.
- Practice Test Instructions: Please read the practice test descriptions carefully. The candidate will be responsible for payment of any practice tests taken or reviewed online. Please note that all practice tests are available online ONLY (not a paper copy). Taking the online practice test is best if done using the Google Chrome web browser and a PC (Apple products, such as iPads, Chrome Books and cell phones, do not guarantee stability for our platform). NCCAOM will not give refunds and is not responsible if a candidate’s computer hardware, browser, or internet carrier cannot support the online testing platform.
All users must agree to the statements above before test(s) purchase.