Tuesday, February 25, 2025
4:00 PM EDT ¦ 3: 00 PM CDT ¦ 2:00 PM MDT ¦ 1:00 PM PDT
All State Regulatory Officials are invited to attend
Join us for an important update on:
- Understand what NCCAOM does to help states protect the public through its services and benefits of certification.
- Understand the importance of the Professional Ethics and Disciplinary Committee (PEDC) role in the acupuncture and herbal medicine (AHM) profession
- Update from the Chair of PEDC Michael Taromina, Esq.
- Overview of the updates to the NCCAOM Portal for State Licensing Agencies.
- Overview of the NCCAOMs National Disciplinary Database
- Insight into the PEDC Committees work year over year
- Updates to the State Cooperation Agreement.
- Overview of the NCCAOMs commitment to state support
- Opportunity to Ask Questions of NCCAOM Staff.
Looking forward to seeing you!