b'2 0 2 1 R E P O R T F R O M T H E T R E A S U R E RThe NCCAOMs cash position as of DecemberFIGURE 1: Total 2021 Income by Source31, 2021, was $645k . The NCCAOM was able to sustain the organizations program and services to candidates, Diplomates, and other stakeholder groups throughout 2021 . For the year ending December 31, 2021, NCCAOM reached its requiredl Application Fees6-month financial reserves to ensure the continuityl Examination Feesof the organization in the event of an emergency .$4,021,903 l Recertification FeesNCCAOMs investments at Neuberger Bermanl PDA Incomeremain stable at a balance of $2 .6M on Decemberl Service Fees and31, 2021 . Net Assets at the end of 2021 were $5M,Publication Incomean increase of $848k from 2020 . l Practice Test FeesThe Statement of Activities as of December 31, 2021, shows a total Operating Revenue of $4 .6M . The revenues from the various programs decreased by $512k from 2020 to 2021, reflective of the ongoing effects of the pandemic . However, theFIGURE 2: Total 2021 Expenses by Programtotal Operating Revenue for 2021 was stabilized by an increase in investment revenue from 2020 by $195k and by the forgiveness of debt of the PPP Loan totaling $260k . The overall decrease inl Exams Administrationtotal Operating Revenue from 2020 to 2021 wasl Recertificationonly$56k .l Professional Development$3,768,183 ActivitiesTotal Expenses for 2021 were $3 .7M . This was al Board and Committeesdecrease from 2020 by $112k . Management andl External Relationsstaff of NCCAOM continue to focus on reducingl Advocacycosts in 2021 and going forward .l General Administrationl Diplomate ServicesAfua Bromley, MSOM, Dipl . Ac . (NCCAOM), L .Ac .Treasurer NCCAOM 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 8 DEDICATION IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTY'