b'2021 YEAR IN REVIEW HIGHLIGHTS1 2 3 4JANUARY Assistant Secretary for Health U .S . Department of Health and Human Services to introduce NCCAOM published an inaugural PDAand establish our organizations with President Newsletter . This quarterly publication willBidens new administration, informing increasing provideupdates and helpful tips to NCCAOMawareness of, and access to, acupuncture services PDA Providers .particularly for pain-management, substance abuse, nausea, post-operative recovery, and Official NCCAOM Practice Tests upgradedmental health issues .on a new Learning Management Platform andavailable . NCCAOM bids farewell to Board Commissioners (1) Steve Kazmierczak, Treasurer and (2) David Announcement of Reinstatement WindowCanzone, Governance Committee Chair .extension from June 30, 2021 to June 30, 2022 due to COVID-19 .MARCHFEBRUARY NCCAOM Board of Commissioners welcomes (3)Beverly Black and (4) P . Divya Parikh as Public The NCCAOM continues to update its COVID- Members to the Board .19 Resource Page, which provides Diplomates information about available resources, state andNCCAOM Advocacy Team alerts NCCAOM federal initiatives, and guidance for seeking small- Diplomates and stakeholders of the Paycheck business support Protection Program Application Period .NCCAOM & ASA Introduction Letter to NewNCCAOM & ASA Provided Update to NCCAOM HHS and SAMSHA Acting Secretaries, TheDiplomates and stakeholders of the American Honorable Norris Cochran Acting Secretary U .S .Rescue Plan (ARP) with Fact Sheet, keeping all Department of Health and Human Services andregularly informed .RADM Felicia Collins, MD, MPH, FAAP Acting NCCAOM 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 11 DEDICATION IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTY'