b'2021 YEAR IN REVIEW HIGHLIGHTS5 6 (5) NCCAOM hosts a webinar for DiplomatesI . Majd and A . Bromley presented to theproviding 2021 updates . Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicineand Health (ACIHM) . NCCAOM releases an Anti-Racism andDiscrimination Statement regarding escalation MAYinAsian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI)hatecrimes .I . Majd presented virtual remarks at the AustralianAcupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association D . Jiao and M . Larson make a presentation (AACMA) Annual Conference .to National and State Chinese AssociationsaboutMedicare .NCCAOM hosted a virtual booth at the TCMKongress in Rothenberg, Germany .APRIL D . Jiao and M . Larson attend the virtual premiere (6) NCCAOMASA Joint Town Hall Webinar of Jason Haos documentary film, Return to Lifeon April 21, 2021, to provide information to help presented by the ATCMA/Neuro-Acupuncturepractitioners comply with new online ADA Web Institute .Compliance and Disability guidelines .M . Larson presented an update to the CCAOM at PDA premiers Digital Badging, an electronic logo their Spring meeting .for PDA providers obtained through the PDAProvider Portal .NCCAOM 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 12 DEDICATION IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTY'