b'2021 YEAR IN REVIEW HIGHLIGHTS7 8(7) May 19 a school webinar was held for allNCCAOM hosted an exhibitor booth at the SAR ACAOM schools . Presentations were done by International Research Conference 2021 .M . Larson, CEO, O . Cox, COO and J . Nemeth, Dir . Of Ed . Afua Bromley, MSOM, Dipl . Ac . (NCCAOM), L .Ac ., NCCAOM Board Treasurer, and LiMing M . Larson presented at the ASA AnnualTseng, MAcOM, Dipl OM (NCCAOM), L .Ac ., Conference . ASA Board Member at Large, Co-Chairs of the NCCAOM and ASA Acupuncture Medicine Cultural Competency Taskforce for leading JUNE the seminar on Health & Healthcare Equity: Building Cultural Competency in the Acupuncture ASAE MM&C Conference- NCCAOM GoldProfession . The Co-Chairs taught what was voted Circle Award Winner for the Member/Volunteerthe most popular session for the Health Equity Engagement Campaign category for thecategory of the 2021 Integrative Medicine & NCCAOM Diplomate COVID-19 Resources andHealth Symposium hosted by the Academic Outreach . Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health .(8) The NCCAOM Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a Diversity, Equity andInclusion (DEI) Statement at their June Boardmeeting .NCCAOM 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 13 DEDICATION IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTY'