b'2021 YEAR IN REVIEW HIGHLIGHTS9 10JULY SEPTEMBERM . Larson attended the virtual ETCMA 15thM . Larson and A . Bromley presented at the ASA Annual European School Leaders Day (ESLD) andAnnual Conference held virtually . J .Tusuchiyama reported much interest in NCCAOMs standards,and J, Zand attended .processes and procedures .(9) NCCAOM hosted a webinar for State The NCCAOM is pleased to support theRegulators .Acupuncture for Our Seniors Act, which would enable the Medicare program to recognize qualified acupuncturists as Medicare providers .OCTOBERU .S . Representative Judy Chu (D-California) introduced the Acupuncture for Our SeniorsPCOM held a virtual conference and NCCAOM Acton July 29, 2021 . hosted a booth .NCCA approved the NCCAOMs blueprint(10) NCCAOM co-hosted an informative Town submission for their new permanentHall meeting with ATCMA .Reinstatement Route to be implemented Julyof2022 .NCCAOM 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 14 DEDICATION IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTY'