b'2021 YEAR IN REVIEW HIGHLIGHTS11 13(11) The NCCAOM hosted an informativeNOVEMBERwebinar with updates for Students and schools .ICE Exchange meeting, Nashville, TN (12) NCCAOM and ASA hosted a joint Town HallM . Stanley attended and presented .meeting to celebrate Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Day 2021 and review the culturalM . Larson presented to the Council of Colleges .competency and impacts of diversity, equity, and inclusion on the profession on October 24, AHMM . Larson and J . Chu keynote speakers at the Day . Led by Co-chairs of the NCCAOM-ASAATCMA Annual Conference .Cultural Competency Taskforce Afua Bromley and LiMing Tseng . M . Larson presented at WFAS and WIMCO (World Integrative Medicine Congress) .(13) The NCCAOM PDA Department hosted an 12 informative webinar with updates for NCCAOM PDA Providers .NCCAOM 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 15 DEDICATION IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTY'