b'During the year 2021, there were 1,782 new applicants who applied for certification, a decrease of 708 applications as compared to 2020 . Of the new applicants for certification, 2 0 2 1737 of these were received for Acupuncture certification, 617 for Oriental Medicine certification, and 419 for the CA L .Ac . Certification Route . Figure 1 shows the number C E R T I F I C A T I O Nof new applications received, by year, between 2018 and 2021 . Approximately 90% of all individuals applying A C T I V I T I E S for certification with the NCCAOM are educated in the UnitedStates .Pearson VUE, the NCCAOM testing vendor, with over 200 test centers around the world administered 4,385 NCCAOM certification examinations in 2021 . Figure 2 shows this number is up 730 exams as compared to 3,655 administered in 2020 .FIGURE 1: Total Number of New Applications for Certification By Year (2018 - 2021)1,220944778 737663 662 596 617493 430 41922 11 12 92018 2019 2020 2021l ACl OMl OM CA Routel CHFIGURE 2: Total Number of NCCAOM Examinations Administered by Exam Type: (2018 - 2021)1,507 1,498 1,459 1,413 1,427 1,4201,362 1,2811,125 1,023 1,071976784671 6135312018 2019 2020 2021l ACPLl FOMl CHl BIONCCAOM 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 16 DEDICATION IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTY'