b'2021 CERTIFICATION ACTIVITIESFIGURE 4: States that includeFigure 4 shows the states that include CH in their Chinese Herbs in the Scope ofscope of practice for acupuncturists . Currently, Practice as of December 31, 2021 32states require passage of the Biomedicine exam in addition to the FOM and ACPL examinations . To protect the public, the NCCAOM works closely with state regulatory boards to add the requirement for passage of BIO and, for those states that have Chinese Herbology in their scope of practice, the CH exams for licensure .WAMT ND MEOR MN VTID NHSD WI NY MAWY MI CT RIIA PA NJNV NEUT IL IN OH MD DE DCCA CO WVKS MO VAKYTN NCAZ OKNM AR SCMS AL GATX LAAKFLHIl States that include Chinese Herbs in the Scope of Practice for Acupuncturistsl States that include Chinese Herbs in the Scope of Practice and Require Chinese Herbology Examl States that dont include Chinese Herbs in their Scope of Practicel States that dont have a Practice ActNCCAOM 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 18 DEDICATION IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTY'