b'During 2021 the English language Foundations of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture with Point Location, Chinese Herbology, and Biomedicine certification exams 2 0 2 1were administered as computer adaptive examinations . All examinations were administered at Pearson VUE Professional Test centers and the exam scoring and E X A M I N A T I O Npsychometric analyses were conducted by Schroder S T A T I S T I C S Measurement Technologies (SMT) . The examination statistics include data for the following groups of test takers:ACAOM (Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine) First Time Test Takers (FTTT) are candidates educated in the United States at an accredited school or a school in candidacy for accreditation . International FTTT are candidates who are internationally educated . Apprenticeship FTTT are candidates who applied via the apprenticeship route of eligibility . The last group of test takers is School Repeat Test Takers (RTT), which is another category of candidate statistics from schools accredited or in candidacy status withACAOM .The NCCAOM certification exams, based on the new content outlines generated from the 2019 Job Analysis, were implemented in February 2020 . Figure 1 shows the consistency of the examination pass rates for all testers in Acupuncture with Point Location between 2018 and 2021 . FIGURE 1: Examination Pass Rates All Examinees (2018 - 2021)93% 94%78%73% 75% 74% 72% 71%70% 70%65% 64% 66% 66%59% 61%2018 2019 2020 2021l ACPLl FOMl CHl BIONCCAOM 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 21 DEDICATION IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTY'