b'(Figure 1) The global pandemic continues to have an impact on the number of new provider applications received during 2021 . The majority of PDA Providers are Diplomates and 2 0 2 1AHM practitioners who continue to experience financial impacts . The PDA marketing plan was completed to showcase PDA Providers and increase communication P R O F E S S I O N A Lwith NCCAOM Diplomates . New Provider applicants state they want to become an NCCAOM PDA Provider because D E V E L O P M E N Tattendees continue to ask for PDA points to register for the class especially with the advent of CE Banking .A C T I V I T I E S (Figure 2) Distance learning and live presentations are still the most popular application types with an increase of 20 .6% during 2021 .Live-streaming webinars continued to replace face-to-face courses and conferences were virtual . No overseas tour applications were submitted due to COVID and international travel restrictions . During 2021, the number of course renewals increased by 7 .8% . PDA staff continued to work with Providers on a one-to-one basis to convert live presentations to webinars and provided discounts for the NCCAOM PDA Course Spotlight advertising . FIGURE 1: New NCCAOM PDA Provider Applications Paid (2018 - 2021)13311090732018 2019 2020 2021FIGURE 2: PDA Applications Paid by Course Type (2018 - 2021)1,020904 880 8856996024613482018 2019 2020 2021l Live Presentationsl Distance LearningNCCAOM 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 22 DEDICATION IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTY'