b'2 0 2 1 P R O F E S S I O N A L E T H I C S A N D D I S C I P L I N EThe function of the Professional Ethics and Disciplinaryin cases was Administrative Order from School or Committee (PEDC) is to review disciplinary casesProfessional Association . This category decreased that involve our Diplomates/Candidates/Applicants .from seven cases in 2020 to four cases in 2021 . Since2016, a total of 107 cases have been reviewedPreviously, this category also saw moderate growth by the PEDC . between 2018 and 2019, and again between 2019 and 2020 . This moderate upward trend is reflective Figure 1 reflects the general downward trendof the PEDCs continued work in liaising with state in number of cases reviewed since 2014 . Theboards and diligently reviewing state actions . In PEDC reviewed a total of seventeen (17) cases in2021, the NCCAOM continued to focus on being 2021, not including requests to be removed fromproactive with the states to ensure that information is probationary status . This is well within the generalshared between all interested parties . Another major range of number of cases reviewed in the past fewgoal for the PEDC in 2021 is a thorough review and years .This general range between 14-17 cases isupdate of the NCCAOM Code of Ethics . In addition largely due to the continued diligence of PEDC staffto including an aspirational statement regarding the to cross check state disciplinary lists and the PEDCimportance of commitment to diversity, inclusion, staffs practice to routinely bring forward failure toand awareness, the PEDC would also like to add report cases involving Diplomates who have failed toa specific subcategory of violation in the Grounds notify the NCCAOM of disciplinary action(s), criminalfor Professional Discipline to include discrimination, conviction(s), or other activities involving their fitnessinsensitivity, intolerance .to practice . Figure 2 highlights the number of cases organized by the type of different disciplinary/ethical issue from 2018 to 2021 . It shows no significant growth in any case category, however one area with a decrease FIGURE 1: NCCAOM Comparison of Total Number of Cases (2018 - 2021)16 1714 152018 2019 2020 202162 total cases from 2018 - 2021NCCAOM 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 23 DEDICATION IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTY'