b'2021 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND DISCIPLINEFIGURE 2: PEDC Case Categories Categories are defined as follows:(2018 - 2021) continuedFraud: This type of fraud includes unnecessary 0 and fraudulent billing for services not rendered . 0 This category consists primarily of health Fraud 0 insurancefraud .0 Health Status: An individuals ability to practice a health-related profession and/or their professional 1 or academic activities were interrupted for a 0 period of more than three consecutive months Health Status due to their physical or psychological health 0 status . Additionally, an individuals ability to 2 practice a health-related profession has been impaired at any time due to substance abuse, 0 including alcohol .Malpractice/Negligence 3 Malpractice/Negligence: An act or omission 1 by a practitioner which deviates from accepted 1 standards of practice in the medical community and causes injury to the patient .0 Misleading/False Information: Any advertising 1 or promotion that misrepresents the nature, Misleading/False Information 1 characteristics and qualities of a practitioners 0 treatments that misleads the public .Prior Disciplinary Action: An individual 0 has either had or currently has adisciplinary 3 action taken against them by a state licensing Prior Disciplinary Action 7 department or a school .4 Record Keeping: An individual has not kept accurate records of each patients history and 0 treatment .0 Unlicensed Activity: A practitioner practicing Record Keeping 0 without a valid license or after the expiration of 0 his/her licenses .0Unlicensed Activity 100l 2018l 2019l 2020l 2021NCCAOM 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 25 DEDICATION IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTY'