b'M E S S A G E F R O M T H E C E O A N D B O A R D C H A I RA river cuts throughA comeback is a setbackPersistence and resilience rock, not because of itsthat did its homework,only come from having power, but because oflearned the lesson, andbeen given the chance itspersistence .then moved forward .to work through difficult problems .Jim WatkinsEleanor Brown- Gever TulleyThere are innumerable quotes on gaining strengthcommitment to our Diplomates, candidates and state and persistence in the face of difficulty, but perhapsregulatory board partners was above all else as we Albert Einstein, who overcame many adversities in hiscontinued to ensure the safe and effective delivery own life, said it best . . . of our certification exams while improving our services such as updating our online recertification In the middle of difficulty liesapplicationprocess . opportunity .While the pandemic meant this was not business as usual, we did not stand still . The NCCAOM was 2021 proved to be a year that tested our truefocused on moving forward on all fronts .resilience and determination in striving for excellence,Of critical importance has been our new and amidst the unprecedented COVID-19 globalreimagined Mission, Vision and Core Values approved pandemic that created very challenging conditionsby the Board of Commissioners in September of for so many of our Diplomates, candidates, and2021 . These new statements reflect our dedication PDA Providers . Our business continuity plan, thatto ensuring the public safety of those who seek the we created at the beginning of the pandemic inservices of our Diplomates while collaborating with early 2020, was put to the test as we strived to helpother leaders to advance and promote our NCCAOM as many individuals as we could . We are proud toBoard-Certified Acupuncturists . say that we are weathering the storm and emerging stronger so that we can continue to provideAs evidenced in our newly approved Core Values, exceptional services to our valued stakeholders . the NCCAOM worked collectively to instill diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout our external and As we marked the second year of the pandemicinternal policies and operations . This process first in 2021, the NCCAOM was poised to lead thestarted with the creation of the NCCAOM statement acupuncture and herbal medicine (AHM) professionon Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion . As an important with persistence, compassion, and strength . Ourpillar of the profession, the NCCAOM Code of NCCAOM 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 2 DEDICATION IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTY'