b'Ethics also needed to be revised to effectively reflectqualified acupuncturists as healthcare providers. cultural sensitivity and refreshed expectations forMedicare recognition would enable qualified all NCCAOM Diplomates, candidates, and PDAacupuncturists to provide covered services to Providers. This process began in 2021 with input fromMedicare beneficiariesover 60-million Americans. our stakeholders and will be finalized in 2022.The ASA-NCCAOM Advocacy Team held numerous Town Hall meetings, keeping our Diplomates NCCAOM is continuously seeking ways toabreast of all Medicare updates. The Team also held improve our processes to serve our DiplomatesAdvocacy Grassroots trainings in the fall for members and PDA Providers more efficiently. Internally,of the AHM communities. based on COVID-19 economic situation analysis, we took necessary steps to help our applicants2021 marked the 18th annual Acupuncture and Diplomates facing hardship. The Temporaryand Herbal Medicine Day celebration. During Exception for Graduating Students was extendedthis Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Day, to 2021 allowing them to start testing beforewe collectively embraced safety, diversity, and their graduation date. Certified Diplomates whothe demand for equality and inclusion. This were due to renew their certification in 2021year we also recounted our professions strides enjoyed the 90-days Grace Period in addition totowards breaking barriers and the treatment of other incentives offered this year to help with theunderservedcommunities.recertificationprocess.Reflecting on this unparallel year, we see the As additional opportunities to promote and marketNCCAOM as an organization that makes every effort the NCCAOM credential, the NCCAOM Digitalto stay as relevant and accountable as possible. Badges for PDA Providers debuted in JanuaryThe NCCAOM Board of Commissioners are grateful and were followed by Digital Badges for Certifiedfor the steadfast and relentless spirit shown by our Diplomates in March of 2021.volunteers and staff who pushed through these tumultuous times to uphold our mission to provide A new marketing opportunity was implemented forservices in a safe, reliable, and efficient manner. As PDA Providers with the premier of the PDA Coursewe move into a new era of adjustment and changes Highlights. Communication was increased by way ofdue to the pandemic, there is still much uncertainty a quarterly PDA newsletter featuring a PDA Providerthat lies ahead. With the tenacity that our community and PDA updates in each issue. has shown and solid foundations of our vision, Winning the American Society of Associationmission, and shared values, we remain confident that Executives (ASAE) Gold Circle Award for thewe will be able to handle any challenge the future Member / Volunteer Engagement category was amay bring.crowning achievement for the NCCAOM in 2021. OurWith appreciation and gratitude,COVID-19 Resources and Outreach Campaign was a culmination of the extensive work and partnership of the NCCAOM Board and staff and the American Society of Acupuncturists (ASA) leadership to empower and inform the acupuncture and herbal medicine community with resources, assistance,Mina Larson, M.S., MBA, CAE and valuable information during an unprecedentedChief Executive Officer, NCCAOM globalpandemic.On July 29, 2021, U.S. Representative Judy Chu (D-California) introduced Bill H.R. 4803, the Acupuncture for Our Seniors Act. The ASA and NCCAOM sent out a press release to support H.R.Iman Majd, MD, MS, EAMP/L.Ac., Dip. ABFM, 4803, which will authorize the U.S. Centers forABoIM, Dipl.Ac. (NCCAOM), DABMA Medicare and Medicaid Services to fully recognizeBoard ChairNCCAOM 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 3 DEDICATION IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTY'